By Daneen James
When life gets in the way, you're challenged, conflicted, fatigued, and your faith fades. Remind yourself, God has already decided, you win!
When you feel challenged, conflicted, fatigued, faith fades. Remind yourself what God says. Use His power to persevere and persist in His ways, regardless of circumstance, consequence or convenience.
Let these verses fuel you! Is God telling the truth, does that truth apply to me and my situation?
Time has passed, I’m older, can God redeem this situation?
Overwhelmed by all the good stuff happening or feel like you can’t withstand one more bad thing?
Wonder when you’re breakthrough’s coming, when’s it your turn?
Will this life of faith pay off?
Thank you for reading, I hope this post encouraged you! If what you read or saw added value to your life, please take a moment and share this website with family and friends. Daneen James is an inspirational author, speaker and develops uplifting products and media. Want more? Book Daneen as a speaker: Watch a video: You might also enjoy:
By Daneen James
Yes, you read it right! God means for us to have fun! Not just now and then, but regularly and often. Could it be that trying new things and finding the fun in life, not only helps us care for ourselves, but also cultivates connection with our creator?
Enjoy this Facebook live video for a more interactive experience. Don't do facebook? No problem, click here to watch the video:
More, Please.
God's goodness isn't confined to religious programming or hymns. God is alive in all that feeds and fortifies us. Finding joy in the world around us, using His creations to care for and connect with ourselves and those around us glorifies God. It's praise in the truest sense. If you find yourself thinking, is this all there is? Feel like you're running really hard but not getting anywhere? Want to do something "crazy", because the routine of life is wearing your down? You want more. That's to be expected, the desire for more comes from God. Very often those feelings of discontent are a call to "change it up", a signal to connect to all that is possible. Because more is available to us and intended for us through life with God. More Than a Feeling. When you find it hard to center yourself. Life feels more like a burden than a blessing and each day feels like the last. You feel like you need a break, a real change. We're tempted to do something drastic or have the tendency to reach for something or someone to "distract" us. Food, alcohol, drugs, a relationship, anything that helps us release and/or escape. What if we took a more proactive approach? Find ways to introduce the fun, even silly, into the every day. It doesn't mean you disregard the responsibilities of life. But it does mean, acknowledge each of us is mind, body and spirit. Commit to engage all three aspects of who you are. Joy opens the door. If it makes you smile and isn't contrary to God, go for it! It's not always the big, grand gestures that make the biggest difference. Sometimes it's the subtle shifts that make the most impact. Give It a Try! Here are a few ideas to enrich everyday life and freshen the familiar. Try with friends, family, or as a way to refresh yourself.
Try one of these or improvise. For you it might be something more personal, like a change in hair color, growing or removing a beard, painting a room in your house, cutting your hair or wearing it longer. The possibilities are endless, encouraging you!
Thank you for reading, I hope this post encouraged you! If what you read or saw added value to your life, please take a moment to share this website with family and friends.
Daneen James is an inspirational author, speaker and develops uplifting products and media.
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By Daneen James
When you put a new garbage bag in the can, sometimes it has air bubbles. So even though the bag is new and empty, whatever you put in just sits at the top. And unless you let the air out, the bag won’t expand to its full capacity.
The air in the bag can be like the filler in our lives. Over time hurts and hang-ups can prevent us from experiencing life with the richness and fullness God intended. We stifle what we want because of what we hold on to.
Enjoy this Facebook live video for a more interactive experience. Don't do facebook? No problem, click here to watch the video:
Here are a few questions to help you to explore and go deeper:
Reflect: Ask God to lead and be with you as you look at your life. Here are a few scriptures to ground and strengthen you in your daily decisions.
Thank you for reading, I hope this post encouraged you! If what you read or saw added value to your life, please take a moment to share this website with family and friends. They may need encouragement more than you know.
Daneen James is an inspirational author, speaker and develops uplifting products and media.
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By Daneen James
Enjoy a more interactive experience with this Facebook live video. Don't do Facebook? No problem, click here to watch the video:
3 QUESTIONS to Spark Gratitude...
Ask yourself these questions, to help you see the people, circumstances and experiences in your life differently. 1) What do I have that I didn't before? 2) What do I know that I didn't before? 3) What am I doing that I couldn't before? Apply these questions to the "whatever" of life. The irritating and unexpected as well as the surprising and wonderful. Gratitude creates consciousness. Consciousness connects us to our creator and helps us recognize how He works. The more aware we become about how God works in our lives, the easier gratitude becomes. The life we want is within our reach, when we connect to the God within us. Reflect
Thank you for reading, I hope this post encouraged you! If what you read or saw added value to your life, please take a moment to share this message with family and friends.
Daneen James is an inspirational author, speaker and develops uplifting products and media.
Want more? Book Daneen as a speaker: Watch a video: You might also enjoy: By Daneen James “Love is not jealous”, another translation reads, “Love does not want what it doesn’t have.” You’ve probably seen this before, part of the infamous bible passage on love, it's found in I Corinthians 13:4-7. Although, I’ve read this verse more times than I can count, I never saw it the way I see now. When we want to be something other than who we are, want someone else’s relationship and experiences more than our own, we are not living in love. We fail to love ourselves and God by dishonoring who He made us and discounting what He gave us.
God gives us just what we need, hope this meets a need today. Daneen James is an inspirational author, speaker and develops uplifting
products and media through her company, SPARKSAFLAME. Subscribe and enjoy previous DAILY DOSE episodes: Book Daneen as a speaker: Sign up for the newsletter, receive ongoing inspiratation and updates: Shop the SPARKSAFLAME Store: Being grateful means making a point to recognize the worth and value of people, things and experiences in life, without condition. We don't always get it right, but the more we do, the better life becomes. Daneen James is an inspirational author, speaker and develops uplifting
products and media through her company, SPARKSAFLAME. Subscribe and enjoy previous DAILY DOSE episodes: Book Daneen as a speaker: Sign up for the newsletter, receive ongoing inspiratation and updates: Shop the SPARKSAFLAME Store: By Daneen James As parents, we often believe (as it relates to our children) that we have the monopoly on knowledge. But without a doubt, my daughter has been one of my greatest teachers. When we pay attention, being a parent creates some of the most meaningful “mirror” moments of our lives. Here are a few of the things that I have learned, see if any of these resonate with you.
You don’t have to be carried away by your thoughts and feelings. A bad mood doesn’t have to dictate your day... Daneen James is an inspirational author, speaker and develops uplifting
products and media through her company, SPARKSAFLAME. Subscribe and enjoy previous DAILY DOSE episodes: Book Daneen as a speaker: Sign up for the newsletter, receive ongoing inspiratation and updates: Shop the SPARKSAFLAME Store: You asked for it, God wants to do it, but are you willing to wrestle for what you want? Daneen James is an inspirational author, speaker and develops uplifting
products and media through her company, SPARKSAFLAME. Subscribe and enjoy previous DAILY DOSE episodes: Book Daneen as a speaker: Sign up for the newsletter, receive ongoing inspiratation and updates: Shop the SPARKSAFLAME Store: |
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September 2020